Well we made it to Key West. The problem is that we don't want to leave. So we're going to stay. We have no idea how long the stay will be. We have jobs and are renting a great house in old town with another couple Allegra met through work. Life is great here. There is a real sense of community here that is very comforting. We are as surprised at our decision as anyone. The trip down the east coast of Florida was great. Its nice having the ocean right there whenever you want to take a dip and cool down. Miami is a very cool city. Great architecture, lots of interesting people and tons of options on what to do keep it a place that we will visit often, especially now that its only 150 miles away. We rode from Miami to Key West in 2 days. Two 75 mile days in a row almost killed us, but the ride was amazing. Highway 1 takes you island hopping all the way down the keys. I was surprised to find that you are on land most of the time. The keys are long and narrow and beautiful. The water is super clear and warm. When we arrived in Key West we were met by Erin, our new friend. We stayed with her for the first couple weeks here. She lives in a great old house owned by a very famous artist here in town. We always have a blast hanging out with Erin at the bars and on the beach. The snorkeling is amazing. She has a great group of friends that we have latched onto. They are another reason we decided to stay. Hurricane season is upon us, this is the slow time of year here and the oil is on the way, yet here we are in a new environment on another adventure. Please come visit us, but be careful, you might not want to leave.
Ryan and Legs

Camping behind a gas station in the woods in Fort Pierce, FL.

Fixing flat tiers near highway 95.

Camping behind a large shed near Fort Pierce after a failed day of hitch hiking.

Us with Chris and Chris who let us stay with them for a night in Neptune, FL.

Camping by the rail road tracks in Fort
Lauderdale, FL.

On the way to Miami, Palm beach area.

Cool old art deco buildings in Miami Beach.

Miami Beach.


Miami again.

Getting through downtown Miami on Hwy. 1.

Great view of the city.

Beautiful museum we passed.

awesome sky scraper in downtown.

Cloud plume at sunset in Homestead, FL.

Camping spot in Homestead, FL.

On highway 1 looking out at Key Largo.

Harbor in Key Largo.

Huge crab sculpture on Hwy. 1

Legs kissing the only flamingos we have seen in Florida so far.

View from our camping spot on
Ismorada Key at Anna Beach.

Seven mile bridge.

The Bull. Famous building in Key West on
Duval St.

Neat old store front building.

Beach at the end of
Simonton St.

Southernmost point at the end of

Courtyard at Blue Heaven, a well known restaurant in Key West.

Ryan at the Blue Heaven bar.

Another angel of Blue Heaven.

Key lime pies in the bakery at Blue Heaven.
Simonton beach looking at Wisteria Island.

Old cigar factory in Key West.

Customs building.

Neighborhood church.

Mel Fisher Museum.

One of Key West most beautiful trees.

Ernest Hemingway house on Whitehead St.

Dining room inside the house.

Upstairs bathroom.

Ryan on the porch at Hemingway house.

Legs on the porch.

Disendant six toed cat of Hemingway's.

Writing room of Himingway's.

Outside view of the home.

Poincietta tree in full bloom. They are all over the island and are native trees of madagascar and certian areas of Africa.

Outside of Blue Heaven.

Cemetery in Key West.

Key West chickens.

Mallory Square where the sunset festival takes place every evening.

Steve racing in the Minimal Regatta.

Jim in the regatta.

Erin and Legs.

Living room of our new house

Kitchen, pantry, and loft of the house.

Deck at our house.

Izzy on the deck.

Front of the house.