Since our last post we have journeyed to the Chesapeake and Virginia Beach areas to spend time with friends for Thanksgiving and the beginning of the holiday season. Getting here was easy following bike route one which runs all the way from Mt. Vernon and around Richmond to North Carolina. At Richmond we picked up bike route 76, leading to Williamsburg. The bike routes are great when you can find them in VA. The routes take you along blue highways and have signs most of the time to keep you on course. There were points along the route where we would not see a sign forever and used Ryan's iphone for google map searches or other maps to try and find our way. We managed alright and never got too lost. The official state bicycling map is helpful but no where near detailed enough to really rely on, if you want to see what I mean.
We spent about three days on the road heading south until we reached Richmond, then headed east toward Williamsburg. It rained for a two day period right before Thanksgiving and we were still far from reaching Johann's house, (A good high school friend of Ryan's) in Chesapeake, VA where we were invited for the holiday. Johann and his roommate T.J. came and rescued us 17 miles outside of Williamsburg, after Johann was off of work. The highway we were biking on was pitch black by nightfall with the exception of a dim light on a telephone poll next to a small row of four houses. We waited with our back lights flashing red pulses into the darkness so Johann could see where we were waiting on the side of the road. When they arrived it felt great to climb onto a big Yukon and get out of the rain. The four of us made it into Chesapeake in a quick 45 minutes.
That night we met Johann's girlfriend Krissi and the other two roommates living in the house, Amber and Drew. We showered and changed to go out with everyone that night to the strip club that Johann manages called Headlights. It's a great feet of adaptability when you are capable of standing in the rain, in the pitch dark for a couple of hours after camping and biking to a strip club blaring with loud music, dancers and many shots of alcohol. Adapting is going very well for the two of us on this trip, and we had a great time at the club. By the end of the night I was more than ready for bed when the time came.
The following day Krissi and Amber started making all the side dishes for Thanksgiving and I helped where I could. By Thanksgiving day we had almost everything done and spent the day relaxing, cooking the Turkey, and drinking beers. The feast included macaroni and cheese, fruit salad, green bean casserole, stuffing, cornbread, yams, turkey, gravy, and desserts. The bulk of the work was done by Amber and Krissi who did a wonderful job.
Since that day of hearty feasting we have visited Williamsburg for a day and have been down to the Oceanfront. Williamsburg was my favorite stop so far in the area. Its way bigger than I thought it would be and full of great shops with traditional and newer items for sale. Johann, Krissi, Amber, T.J., Ryan, and I spent a couple of hours walking the main areas of the town together. On another day trip Johann and Krissi took the two of us to see the beach and Oceanfront area. This time of the year its dead down there. We had the beach to ourselves and almost all the stores that are normally open for the tourist season were closed down. It felt like a ghost town, which I liked. The housemates have also taken us out on the town to the Ghent and downtown areas of Norfolk where there are some really fun bars. We are still visiting with everyone and having a great time.
Ryan and Allegra